1.Indeed, the universal vaccines developed so far do not totally prevent infection, as the strain-specific vaccines can do.
2.Immunization is usually given before you have your spleen removed and is one method to help the body fight and prevent infection.
3.A person must be able to see well and do each step correctly to prevent infection in the abdomen.
4.Obviously, the best way to prevent infection with gonorrhea or any other STD is to avoid sexual contact with an infected partner.
5.Another step is to confirmed confirm whether the patient was given * antibiotics within the last hour to prevent infection.
6.Low-level laser biostimulation can be applied in wound therapy to speed up the wound healing, prevent infection and relieve the pain.
7.Another step is to confirm whether the patient was given antibiotics within the last hour to prevent infection.
8.AMERICAN researchers say they have found a novel technique that can DESTROY the HIV virus, and PREVENT infection.
9.This suggests that the vaccine helps to prevent infection but does nothing to affect the virus once it is in the body.
10.The vaccine works differently from conventional vaccines in that it does not prevent infection directly.